Cardan grease «AM» (TU 38.5901302-91) is a petroleum oil of average viscosity solidified with a soda soap, acid of cotton-seed oil, acid of castor oils and rosin. It is characterised by low mechanical stability, ability to be washed away from friction units.
It is efficient at temperature-10 … +100°С. The Scope: hinges cardan constant angular speed of forward leading bridges of cars. Substitutes: SHRUS-4, LITOL-24.
Appearance and colour: —
Viscosity effective, Па.с, at 0°С, no more: 300
Strength at 80°С, the Pas, not less: 500-700
Drobfall temperature, °С, not more low: 115
Colloid stability, % of the allocated oil, no more: 15
Mass fraction of mechanical impurity, %, no more: —
Penetration at 25°С, mm, 10-1: 220-270
Mass fraction of water, %, no more: —
Data on operational temperatures represent values which are guided by a structure of lubricants, and also on a scope and technology of use. Depending on a kind of mehaniko-dynamic loading lubricants change the consistence, conditional viscosity or viscosity at various temperatures, pressure and duration of operation. These changes of indicators can affect work of components.