The grease Fiol-1 (TU 38 USSR 201247-80) is a mix of petroleum oils solidified with lithium soap. It contains viscous and antioxidizing additives. The grease Fiol-1 is waterproof, efficient at temperature -40 …+120°С.
Scope: friction units greased through press butterdishes or from centralised system of giving of grease; flexible shaft or management cables in covers; low-power reducers, легконагруженные small-sized bearings of a rolling, etc. The substitute — Fiol-2.
Appearance and colour: Homogeneous smooth ointment from light to dark brown colour
Viscosity effective, Па.с, at 0°С, no more: 200
Viscosity effective, Па.с, at-50°S, no more: 4
Strength at 20°С, the Pas, not less: 250
Strength at 80°С, the Pas, not less: 80
Drobfall temperature, °С, not more low: 185
Colloid stability at loading, %, no more: 25
The content of free alkali in recalculation on NаОН, %, no more: 0.1
Penetration at 0°С, mm, 10-1: 330-380
The content of water, %, no more: Absence
Vaporability at 150°С within 1 hour, %, no more: —
Data on operational temperatures represent values which are guided by a structure of lubricants, and also on a scope and technology of use. Depending on a kind of mehaniko-dynamic loading lubricants change the consistence, conditional viscosity or viscosity at various temperatures, pressure and duration of operation. These changes of indicators can affect work of components.