The grease AMS-3 (GOST 2712-75) is a high-viscosity petroleum oil thickened with aluminum soap of stearin acid. The basic operational characteristics: High conservation characteristics, adhesion to metal, water resistance.
It is efficient at temperatures from 0 … +75 °С. The application: prevention of corrosion of mechanisms of the ships, submarines, seaplanes.
Appearance and color: Homogeneous ointment of dark color
Effective viscosity, Pas, at 0 °С, not more than: 2000
Strength at 80 °С, Pas, not less than: —
Drop temperature, °С, not lower than: 100
Colloid stability, % of the allocated oil, not more than: —
Mass fraction of mechanical impurity, %, not more than: Absence
Penetration at 25 °С, mm, 10-1: 200-250
Mass fraction of water, %, not more than: Absence
Data on operational temperatures represent values, which are guided by a structure of lubricants, and also on a scope and technology of use. Depending on a kind of mechanical-dynamic loading lubricants change the consistence, conditional viscosity or viscosity at various temperatures, pressure and duration of operation. These changes of indicators can affect work of components.